I work to find an effective point of stability in the digital era, mixing together knowledges of psychological experience taken from physical interactions, with the ethereal circumstances of digital-induced situations.
In my opinion, digitalism is an extraordinarily confusing world where people must find their proper way to preserve quality of emotions.
My work has been exhibited in the Latin videoart festival (New York), in the Salón Inter-nacional de Artistas (Medellín, Colombia), in MediaLab-Prado (Madrid), in the University of Salford MediaCityUK and in Mutek Festival (Barcelona) among others.
MdR · Capsule2 · Muted Frequencies.
- Participation with the artwork Occhio ai segnali.
- Espacio Pulpo, Palma.
The dance of seeds
- Installative documentary. Realization of audiovisual content and interactive system.
- CaixaForum Palma.
The dance of seeds
- Installative documentary. Realization of audiovisual content and interactive system.
- CC Sa Farinera, Manacor.
The converts are the worst
- Solo exhibition of objectual art and drawing.
- Espacio Pulpo, Palma.
The dance of the seeds
- Installative documentary. Realization of audiovisual content and interactive system.
- Exhibited in Madrid (Escuelas Pías, UNED) and in Museu Terra (former Museu de la Vida Rural), in l'Espluga de Francolí, Tarragona.
Cicle EXP 22
- Antsandads. Visuals.
- Palma de Mallorca, october
CircuitControl 22
- Antsandads. Visuales.
- Dresden, Alemania, septiembre, 2022
- Collaboration in the performance by Letícia María.
- Realtime video-performance, visual support of the performance FLUO
- AN'22, august, 2022
Fractales y Glitches
- Festival of electronic and experimental arts, Espacio Pulpo, Palma.
- Participation with the works To vote a king and Transverse.
- Interactive big format installation in public space.
- Encesa de Llums'21 (Palma's lights switching on'21). Palma's Council
- Ses Voltes, Palma, Mallorca. November 27th-29th.
_Pla. Interactions, testing sessions and other attitudes. - Solo show. Espai Sant Marc, Sineu, Mallorca.
_FUM, què és un CAC? - Documentary installation. Collaboration along with Leticia María and Teresa Ruiz de Lobera. Casal Solleric, Palma.
_Peasant @ CircuitControl , Dresden.
_the circa project - Online exhibition · Participation with the work Cuando se abra la puerta
_function(), digital and electronic art festival - Participation with the interactive work We Never Were Fishes - Casa Planas, Palma.
_La Simplicitat, Butoh a Pulpo - Performance.- Espacio Pulpo, Palma de Mallorca.
_The Expression of the Emotions in Human and Animals - Nit de l’art, 2018. Casa Planas, Palma.
_Garaudoscopi - Cultural strategies for the coexistence in the neighbourhood. - CAC and Palma de Mallorca council
_ Scripting the Other · The Wrong - New Digital Art Biennale (Nov 1, 2017 - Jan 31, 2018). · Participation with the artwork Income Mood
- Curated by Noemata and founded by Arts Council Norway,
_ HIPN · CGAC (Galician Center of Contemporary Art) - Santiago de Compostela, Spain · Audiovisual performance in collaboration with the techno musician Borja Vega
_ "Interactivity on Scene" · C.C. St.Jordi - Ribera Baixa · El Prat · Barcelona
_ Artistic residency at l'Estruch ·Sabadell
_ Medialab-Prado · Artistic residency and development of pilot experience of Our Shared Scenario
_ Artistic testing period at CAC Ses Voltes · Palma
_ 4milPasos · Grant to the project Our Shared Scenario
_ Artistic residency at l'Estruch, Sabadell
_ Linkafesta 2014, Centre Cívic Jardins de la Pau · El prat de LLobregat
_ Tere la monja · 2oth-meeting-of-creative·coding · Punt del mig, Barcelona
_ Salón (inter)nacional de artistas · HIPN project at "La Heladería", Medellín.
_ Artistic residency in Medellín, Colombia. Development of the artistic interactive project "I am my own drawing" with children and youngsters of the different communities ofthe city · From september to december
_ Region 0, latin videoart festival of New York. Socias2
_Screen Festival. Loop barcelona: "We build this city", video show at Studio R12, Barcelona.
_Screen Festival. Loop barcelona: VideoPan: Resident video-artists in Pantocrator Gallery. Generator Hostels, Barcelona
_Mutek. Festival internacional de creatividad digital. Participación con la instalación interactiva : "Nunca Fuimos Peces" / "We Never Were Fishes"
_ MicroMutek_international festival of digital creativity and electronic music · Participation with the video-installation "We Never Were Fishes", Convent de Sant Agustí. Barcelona
_Socias2 + c(K)aramo Fanta, Galería Rafael Ortiz, Sevilla.
_HIPN, audiovisual performance, Neotokyo'12, Es Baluard, Mallorca.
_Artistic residence grant "summer'12", Pantocrator Gallery, Barcelona-Shangay.
_The Hypnothic#1, video-performance, Pantocrator Gallery, Barcelona.
_Decode_Recode, celebrating 100 Years of Alan Turing. Live stream video directly from the DecodeRecode installation at the University of Salford MediaCityUK building
_The Drone Set. NIU, espai artístic, Barcelona. · Videolive · Audiovisual colaboration with the group Obsidian Kingdom and Elchk
_Barcelona 3.0 · Audiovisual scenography for the company Altvox · Barcelona
_Antsandads y Obsidian Kingdom · Videolive with the post-death metal band"Obsidian Kingdom" · La Salamandra, Barcelona
_Jamm'11, V. Multimedia show and digital journeys.Centro Golferichs, Barcelona.
_Lumen'11. Videolive Antsandads vj. Palma de Mallorca
_Videt'11 ( videoart festival), Vilafranca del Penedès.
_Exposono'11. Videolive · Antsandads vj. Mallorca
_ha ku shu 1. Performance. Collaboration with the dancer Moni G., Mallorca.2008_
_Temptacions of st. Anthony. Exp. colectiva. Contemporary art museum of Sa Pobla. Mallorca.
_Endless Bed. Putiklub Kulturraum. Berlin
_Ping! 08. Experimental arts and music festival.
Sa Taronja associació cultural. Andratx, Mallorca.
_Retroactiva. Installations in public space programme. Govern Balear-Ajuntament de Palma.
Participation width the video-installation: Salt ( Arid scene)
_Great award Antoni Gelabert of plastic arts: Ciutat de Palma contest. Finalist. Casal Solleric. Palma.
_Cimentiments o no m'Asfaltis al Respecte. Monasterio del Secar de la Real. Mallorca.
_Simulator nº3, Neus Marroig & Enric Socias. Espai Mallorca, Barcelona.
_Temptacions of st. Anthony. Col. Exh. Espai B. Barcelona.
_Present's absence. Ca'n Marquès. Included in the official programme of Art Cologne. Ca'n Marquès. Palma.
_Jam Art. videographic collaboration with Julio Fuentes. Congresses palace of Palma.
_Art Jove. Finalist y Special Mention. Ses Voltes. Palma.
_Great award ciutat de Manacor of plastic arts: Ciutat de Palma contest.. Finalista. Manacor, Mallorca.
_Socias2. Antoni & Enric. Sa Nostra Cultural Centre. Palma.
_Dar De Rien, Laboratoire Artistique. Villefranche de Rouergue, Aveyron, France.
_From the Hunter-Recollector to the Accumulative. Col. Exh. Saladestar. Barcelona.
_Art Jove, cultural programme. Finalist. Ses Voltes, Palma.
_1Excusa, Audiovisual Electronics Festival. Palma.
_Jusq'ici Tout Va Bien. Col. Exh.Espace Croix Baragnon.Toulousse, France.
_Festival du Video du Montreuil. Paris.
_1Excusa 04, audiovisual Electronics Festival. Palma.
_Composit Colectiv. Exp.col. Toulousse, France.
_Ctrl+Alt+Supr. Galeria Araco. Palma.
_AzulAzul. Audiovisual contest. Special mention. Barcelona.
_Socias2. PhotoEspaña. Masha Prieto gallery. Madrid.
_97'1? Col. High school of design of Palma.
_Supermercat de l'Art. Col. Exh. Capuccino Café. Palma.
_Literal. Col. Exp. Sineu, Mallorca.