The technical process which gives form to this work has in the reinterpretation of the voltage signals of an audio source its central element, in so far as these are directly recognized as colour and thus become visible to our eyes, giving, in its abstraction, aesthetic distance to the content of that same audio.
The theme of the sound document heard (Leggere nel pensiero", Altri Orienti) are BCI (Brain Computer Interface) systems, a developing technology with enormous transformative potential of our lives and one of the many fields of rivalry between the two current hegemonic powers (USA and China), due to the immeasurable lucrative potential of the cake.
The crux of the operation of BCI systems is also found in signal translation, in this case the capture of brain waves and their adaptation to commands interpretable by technological systems. Their potential fields of use are medicine, gaming, entertainment, and military, of course. We can also imagine the risks to privacy that may be involved in the repressive use of these advances in neurotechnology. We’re at an art context, it just takes a little imagination.