Socias2 + c(K)aramo Fanta

As a temporary union between enterprises, though a densier bond than the mere trade transaction -the art and the blood in this case-, Antoni Socías and Enric Socías, father and son, join together in specific moments for thinking, working or exhibiting together. In order to check the other one out at all levels.
For some strange reasons, between any encounter, near two or three years have passed. Enough space of time for some personal, cultural, social, changes which could have solidified and become evident in their works and in the arguments supporting them.
It's important to remark that both artists has lived and worked in different cities in the last twelve years and this has made their direct communication difficult in some cases. In this sense, the cooperation Socias2 has become an indispensable artistic mechanism to evoke and establish common aspects.
Through very different formal situations, in this occasion the Rafael Ortiz gallery shows us a series of dialogues and plastic conversations, that go farther the daily.
We find dialogues and conversations between artists… and dialogues and conversations in the bosom of their own work, individual or combined.

Socias2 + c(Karamo Fanta) was exhibited in the Rafael Ortiz gallery, in Sevilla, november, 2012. Diario de Sevilla's review

Socias2 (Enric + Antoni)
video, monochannel signal
2 minutes, played in loop

CCorporalIntense offers a neverending crossing through the deep inside of the human being. Composed of hundreds of radiographies and magnetic resonance scans, it links technology and the most archaic system: the human body.